Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Journal Entry #1: With the GOOD, comes the BAD

Technology plays a big part in our everyday lives even though we may not notice it. It has made our lives a lot more convenient. Yet along with the good, usually comes the bad. For an example, I'll analyze the pros and cons of a common communication program used by people of all ages (mostly teenagers) in today's world, MSN Messenger:

  • Allows us to communicate with people at different places --> even those across the world, as long as they have a computer
  • Allows us to communicate with those who live at a place with a different timezone more conveniently --> as long as you have your MSN and computer on, a message can be left to inform the person what needs to be told
  • Meeting new friends
  • Allows those who are shy or inexpressive in person to express their feelings and thoughts more freely using this program as their communicator
  • Free of charge
  • Entertaining functions comes along with the package (i.e. games)


  • Meeting new people that may be dangerous and harmful
  • Very addictive and distracting
  • May begin to lose real life communication skills(talking, listening, etc. to others)
  • Lose writing skills through the use of lingo and short form
  • May easily be hacked

Although we may not realize, MSN Messenger has become a habit and "survival" need for many teenagers today. It has become the common way teens choose to make information known to one another and, as well, meeting new friends. The program is indeed very convenient in teen's eyes, yet most adults approach it with disfavour. They think it is too addictive and their kids spend so much time talking on MSN that they eventually start to communicate less with the family. Either way, both perspectives are reasonable and understandable. I think all technology has its good and bad side, but if we know how to use it properly, the good may show more than bad.

Friday, September 15, 2006


Hello ^^ My name is Carmen. I'm just a normal everyday Mary Ward grade 10 student that made this blog just for a unit of my course. Errr...yeah =] Have fun surfing around and good luck. Bye~!